Thursday, August 19, 2010

8/19 Bumps in the Road

I edited some of  my first post as I had left out some crucial info. Check back there if you're interested.

We had a very bad night last night. Between 8 and 9pm Ruby began vomiting again and also started having tremors. Every hour or hour and a half she would vomit and then sit up in our bed very agitated. she would shake and then retch for a while. Finally she would calm down and try to sleep again. By the time I drifted back to sleep the cycle would repeat. Neither of us had much rest and both of us were pretty gross by morning. She didn't want to vomit on the towels on the bed, so she kept going to the foot or to my pillow to retch. It kind of bothers me how little this act really bothered me. Everything went into the wash in the morning.
I put a call in to the oncology dept at the U of M. They are usually busy and I had to leave a message. In the meantime Ruby lost her bowels on the linoleum in the dining room. I broke down and called the emergency number for the U. They got oncology on the line and I got Ruby in to the Hospital by 10 am. The Vet agreed with my thinking that it was most likely a reaction to the chemo drugs. They looked her over and gave me the choice of leaving her overnight $$$, or giving her a couple of shots of anti-nausea meds and a good dose of subcutaneous fluids and sending her home $  to see how she looked tomorrow. She now looks like a lion with a mane full of about a pound of fluid. She is exhausted and can't control her bowels, but she's not shaking as much and hopefully we will be able to get her meds into her later today. No food or drink today. Tomorrow just small portions of each...we hope. All in all, this is a pretty sucky day.

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